Restore Active Directory Object

Hi guys,

In this article, you are going to learn how do we can we restore Active Directory object using LDP.EXE which is built-in on your DC.

LDP.EXE is based LDAP protocol,  It’s going to be very interesting, so try to test it, memorize it,  just for your personal knowledge and troubleshooting repository.

So let’s start!

I’m deleting my AD user object:

Recvoery User from AD

And to those who wonder about Recycle bin, indeed, I can use Recycled bin essentially our OS based Windows Server 2012 but I would like you to introduce this possibility as well.

Open Run windows and type “LDP.EXE” Enter:


Go to Tab Option and select in “control” or just click Crl+L

Restore Deleted Object

Choose on “Predefined Predefined and then Deleted Objects” then OK:

There are select - Load Predefined the option "Return Deleted Objects" and then OK:

Click on “Connection” and the Bind or just CRTL+B



Press Ok as long as you are with Administrator privilege


Click on view and select Tree or Ctrl +T:



Your DC’s distinguished name: ( You can find it on ADSI.EDIT)


And HOPA (Israeli Slang….)  … here is deleted object category and here is my deleted user object:

Deletet Object DC

Right click on my user ( your) and select “Modify“:

Modify LDP

added the attribute called “isDeleted” and then select value  “Operation” and afterward”OK

Restore Active Directory Object

And then under “Edit Entry Attribute” I  typed “distinguishedName” and then below I added the“Values” and the last one “specify the “distinguiedName”:

Restore Active Directory Object

Great, the latest action is to run that:

Restore Active Directory Object

My user restored successfully!:

Succeeded restore AD users