

Common LDAP Names

Windows Server 2008 R2

Common LDAP Names: This list will be useful for you, I recommended reciting several important attributes by heart. these attributes will be used for PowerShell query, batch file query or any other LDAPS quires.

Office 365

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Office 365

Microsoft Intune Abilities

Hey folks, I want to introduce you the Microsoft Intune service with his abilities that I’ve checked recently, It is not a secret that Microsoft strongly pushing the Microsoft Intune and improves it rapidly, to […]

Exchange & VMware

How to run Ansible on vCenter

How to run Ansible on vCenter

This type of produce it’s definitely extraordinary and going to open your mind to new automation utilities that you can run in your environment, I am going to show you how to run ansible playbook […]

Office365 PowerShell 3F7B65B7

Get empty DL and delete them

How to get all distributions list on your organization which is empty using Powershell? You have to use the following command: Get-DistributionGroup | Where-Object { (Get-DistributionGroupMember –identity $_.Name).Count –eq 0 } | select PrimarySmtpAddress | export-csv C:\EmptyDL.csv By the […]

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