
How to perform GPUPDATE to all OU

Performing GPUPDATE to all OU

Windows Server 2012R2

Hi , I want to share with you a useful trick that not too many system administrators will be happy to know, In Windows Server 2012 there is the option to apply the Gpupdate command to all […]


Configure Screen Saver via GPO

Windows Server 2008 R2

Today I am going to share with you all steps are needed for configuring screen saver correctly in Group Policy, we will set any X time that after this time the computer will lock automatically. […]

Tree LDP

Restore Active Directory Object

Windows Server 2012R2

Hi guys, In this article, you are going to learn how do we can we restore Active Directory object using LDP.EXE which is built-in on your DC. LDP.EXE is based LDAP protocol,  It’s going to […]

Office 365

Exchange & VMware


Find VM based MAC Address

Recently, I should have found a virtual machine on my VMware infrastructures, for some reason I couldn’t find it by name or IP, machine was down, the only clue comes from my monitor system which […]

Get snapshot notification Powercli

Snapshot notification Powercli

HI All, Over the week i have prepared useful PowerCLi script that will help you to inform your End-users, IT teammates about existing snapshots on vCenter. In my environment, the vCenter filled with some custom […]

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