How to Grow Your Own Microgreens: 101

Growing microgreens at home is a fun and easy way to add nutrient-dense greenery to your meals. Microgreens are a great addition to salads, sandwiches, soups, and more. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy the satisfaction of harvesting your own food and dedicating more time to play on! Growing microgreens at home doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right steps in mind, you’ll be able to harvest delicious microgreens in no time!

1. Use Terra Cotta Trays Or Seedling Flat Trays

Terra cotta trays are ideal for growing microgreens, as they’re shallow and porous, allowing for efficient drainage and even moisture levels to ensure the best growth. These trays are inexpensive and come in a variety of sizes, making them perfect for hobby gardeners who want to give microgreens a try. By filling the tray with potting soil and evenly scattering microgreen seeds on top, you’ll be well on your way to a successful harvest. 

Seedling flat trays are another great option if you’re looking for a more specialized microgreen-growing setup. These trays are usually a bit deeper than terra cotta trays, but if you’re growing a variety of microgreens, the additional depth can come in handy. Seedling flat trays also come with drainage holes, making it easy to adjust moisture levels without having to worry about waterlogging the tray. Plus, you can use the trays to start growing full-sized seedlings, giving you the best of both worlds. 

2. Add Soil To The Tray And Water It To Make The Soil Damp

Adding soil to the tray and then watering it to make the soil damp is an important step in growing microgreens at home. When adding soil to the tray, you should choose a well-draining mix of soil that is rich in organic matter and contains enough nutrients to support plant growth. Once the soil is added to the tray, it should be watered to make it damp but not too wet. When watering, add enough water so that the soil is just slightly damp, as soil that is too wet can lead to drowned roots and failed crops.

Once the soil has been dampened, it is important to thoroughly mix the soil, as this will help to even out the moisture levels throughout the tray. After this is done, the microgreens can then be added to the tray. Keep in mind that the soil must remain damp for good microgreen growth and to prevent the spread of certain fungal and bacterial diseases. If the soil is allowed to dry out, it is important to re-water it to the correct level, or the microgreens will risk not growing.

3. Once The Microgreens Have Grown, They Are Ready To Be Harvested

You can cut the shoots off at the base, just above the soil line, with a sharp knife or kitchen shears. Make sure to leave some of the shoots intact as they will continue to grow, allowing you to have multiple harvests.

Harvested microgreens are ideally eaten fresh. They can be eaten alone as a salad, added to sandwiches and wraps, or added to other dishes to enhance the flavor. Microgreens are a great way to get a punch of flavor and nutrition in one bite.

Because microgreens are so perishable, it is best to use them quickly after harvesting them. If you need to store them for later use, refrigeration is generally recommended. They should be stored in an airtight container or wrapped in moisture-proof paper, and kept away from ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables.

Microgreens will stay fresh for a few days when stored properly. Be sure to rinse them before consuming them. Cut the microgreens just above the soil line and enjoy!