
Picture to User  AD

Add a picture to AD user


Hello everyone, In this tutorial, I want to show you how can we attach a picture to users on your domain. I am going to do that using Powershell, but today there are some third […]

Auto cleanup WSUS server

Auto cleanup WSUS server


Hi All, One of the main issues we as SysAdmin experience with WSUS servers is the disk utilization that utilizes for downloading updates,  in most cases my customers are notified to the disk warning only when […]

How to perform GPUPDATE to all OU

Performing GPUPDATE to all OU

Windows Server 2012R2

Hi , I want to share with you a useful trick that not too many system administrators will be happy to know, In Windows Server 2012 there is the option to apply the Gpupdate command to all […]

Office 365

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Office 365

Microsoft Intune Abilities

Hey folks, I want to introduce you the Microsoft Intune service with his abilities that I’ve checked recently, It is not a secret that Microsoft strongly pushing the Microsoft Intune and improves it rapidly, to […]

Exchange & VMware

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